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Lancashire Cricket are applying to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) for circa £2million to support the development of a purpose-built interactive Heritage Hub at Emirates Old Trafford and an associated vibrant community outreach programme to engage a new and diverse audience and to safeguard and promote the sporting and cultural heritage of Lancashire Cricket. This project aims to enhance visitor access, heritage understanding and welcome new regional, national and international audiences to the stadium. As part of extensive re-development work at Emirates Old Trafford, the ground floor of a new six story building has been identified for the creation of the Lancashire Cricket Heritage Hub.

Heritage Hub Prospectus

The project is also seeking the following outcomes:

Education & learning: To maximise the learning opportunities offered by cricket and its heritage to enhance the educational outcomes and life chances of children and young people.

Inspiring our communities through cricket: To engage with local and regional communities that would not normally access existing heritage offers. The Club has a strong international awareness through its inclusion of overseas players and the hosting of international matches and will use this as a hook to engage more diverse audiences.

Community outreach: Improved access lies at the centre of our project. The mobile outreach vehicle will be the most proactive element to the project. Specially kitted out with key Lancashire Cricket heritage themes, highly interactive and participatory technology and object handling, it will tour schools and community events across the Northwest region.

Bringing objects out of the archive: To provide public access to significant archive items, together with supporting media and film in order to provide an imaginative, interactive heritage experience.

Consultation: Consultation is key to helping ensure the Lancashire Cricket Heritage offer we develop is as engaging as possible in order to attract a new audience and meet the needs of existing stakeholders.

We would therefore be grateful if you could please take no more than 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire and have your say. Your views will be greatly appreciated.


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