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Latest ECB FAQs on current national restrictions guidance

Latest ECB FAQs on current national restrictions guidance

Read ECB's latest FAQs following last week's update that all organised recreational cricket activity indoors and outdoors has been suspended until 2 December in England

Is a cricket ground classed as a public open space?
No. Privately owned cricket clubs are private outdoor spaces (in the same way as golf courses) and therefore not open to the public.

Can a club use it’s nets for 1 to 1 coaching?
No. Clubs should not be organising any activity using their facilities including the nets.

Can a self-employed coach use a cricket club for coaching?
No. Cricket clubs are considered to be ‘private clubs’ and therefore should not be used for this kind of activity.

If my club is in a public park, can we use the ground for 1 to 1 coaching?
No. Cricket clubs should not be allowing or encouraging anyone to use the cricket club facilities for cricket activity.

Can a player under the age of 18 be coached 1 to 1 in a public space?
No. Coaches should always avoid being 1 to 1 with a player under the age of 18.

Can extra-curricular sessions be run after school?
Yes. Oliver Dowden has updated the original guidance and after school clubs are allowed to support enhanced physical activity for children and to offer provide enhanced child care to support working parents

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