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Trafford Primary Schools Core Strength Programme

Lancashire Cricket Foundation coaches have completed the delivery of their first Core Strength programme to the children at Partington Central Academy on behalf of Trafford Active Education.

The programme is aimed at supporting pupils to be body confident through fitness and nutrition. Students completed a series of workshops that enable them to make confident lifestyle choices that have a positive effect on their short and long term wellbeing.

The programme consists of weekly sessions alternating between a nutrition and fitness focus, pupils were given a diary to support their journey which also included a food planner as well as a wellbeing task to complete each week. It also included recipes and fitness ideas to try out at home. The children were taught basic cookery skills in order to make healthy meal options.


The Foundation will be contacting more Trafford Primary schools in September to invite them to take part in the programme.


For more information please contact: Ian Seddon - Education Manager on 07710 964944 or Iseddon@lancashirecricket.co.uk

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