Andy's Man Club Coming To Emirates Old Trafford
Lancashire Cricket Foundation will be hosting an Andy’s Man Club in the Press Lounge at Emirates Old Trafford on a Monday evening from 7-9pm (excluding bank holidays).
The club launches on Monday 13th November and is a free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups for men aged over 18. Andys Man Club want to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and create a judgment-free, confidential space where men can be open about the storms in their lives.
Community Programme Manager, Dan Landstrom said ‘poor mental health can affect anyone however the statistics around men’s mental health and suicide are there for all to see. Andy’s Man Club are a charity we are keen to work with to provide a support network for men in the local community. I’d encourage anyone interested to get involved and visit the club on a Monday evening’
The initiative is part of the Foundations Cricket4Social Good strategy and supports the Health and Well Being of the local community.
For more information, please feel free to get in touch or email