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How to report something you are worried about

Lancashire Cricket Foundation is somewhere where you can have a good time. It is also somewhere you can turn to if you want to share any worries. These could be worries at home, with friends, at school or at Lancashire Cricket Foundation.

We will listen

It can be difficult to share things. You might worry that something is wrong, you might not be able to explain things well. This does not matter; staff will listen and give you the time to talk, listen, act on what you say and most importantly make sure you're safe.

It can be difficult to ask for help, here’s what you can do

You don’t have to share everything all at once, small steps are ok. Tell them what worries you. Telling someone safe is the most important thing. Choose an adult you trust. Someone who makes you feel safe and you know will listen.

It could be;

  • A coach
  • A member of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation Safeguarding Team
  • A teacher
  • A family member
  • A family friend

Telling someone your worries might make you nervous, try not to worry its normal..

Telling someone about things that worry you will make you feel better.

It might be hard to describe things, find the right words or tell us exactly what you mean to. We are good at listening and understanding. You might prefer to write things down, that’s cool too.


Talk to us if you have any worries, you can report a problem to us HERE this will go straight to our safeguarding team.


If you have a concern about your own safety or the safety or welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk who engages in our activities, you can contact us at safeguarding@lancashirecricket.co.uk

Alternatively, you can contact:

Adele Williams
County Safeguarding Lead


Raise a direct concern

 If you would prefer, the ECB safeguarding team can be contacted directly, you can do this by calling 020 7432 1200 and asking for a member of the Safeguarding Team or by emailing safeguarding@ecb.co.uk

For further information, guidance and downloads please visit the ECB Safeguarding page HERE.


The Guide below is for anyone who is under 18, and their friends, family and guardians to learn more about:

  • What Lancashire Cricket Foundation does to keep children safe and well when they are participating in an Activity, spectating or attending events
  • What to do if you are worried about something
  • What we do at Lancashire Cricket Foundation if we are worried about your safety or wellbeing 
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