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Where your money goes?

Where your money goes?

  • £100 will fund the delivery of one of our 0-5’s Arts classes aimed at providing creative arts, movement and musical opportunities for youngsters with communication and mobility difficulties.
  • £250 will fund the delivery of one of our bespoke Education Without Boundaries workshops aimed at providing cricket-based numeracy and literacy opportunities for youngsters from both primary and secondary schools.
  • £500 will will fund the delivery of one four-week block of Table Cricket programmes aimed at providing training and competition opportunities for young people with a range of disabilities.

Donate now

The Lancashire Cricket Foundation relies on fundraising activities to support the delivery of its programmes.

There are many ways in which you can support the Foundation. Donate as little or as much as you can afford by clicking on the donate button below or by texting LCCC11 £* to 70070 - changing the * to your donation amount.

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